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Tag Food Web

In this tag you can simply find articles that pertain to the natural way of life and get specific details about certain aspects of the food web. This tag is a huge part of our wild-life category and we hope you can enjoy the information you find!

What Eats Spiders Along with What They Eat

If you have arachnophobia (fear of spiders), or just prefer to not see them anywhere near their house, getting rid of spiders will and/or can be a concern. What eats spiders can be a household pet however, you may not want… Continue Reading →

What Eats Snails and What Snails Eat

Snails, along with most insects in the food-web, aren’t very lucky. Many different insects and animals prey on snails for a meal or snack. The snail is also extremely slow so running away from their vultures is a little tough…. Continue Reading →

What Iguanas Eat and More Info on their Diet

If you’ve read about what lizards eat you may have gotten a glimpse on what iguanas eat. As it was stated, Iguanas are mainly herbivores. They’d pick greens and vegetation over insects and meat almost any day! You’ll see iguanas… Continue Reading →

Lions – What They Eat and What Eats Them

Another article on what eats a common predator to many animals (in other words, a common predator for an animal at the top of the food-chain). To answer the question “what consumes lion” isn’t very hard because it’s quite a… Continue Reading →

The Secret Life of Bats: What Do Bats Eat and What Eats Them?

What do Bats Eat? Bats are primarily insectivorous, which means that their diet consists mainly of insects. In fact, it is estimated that bats consume about 1,000 insects per hour while they are active. Some of the common insects that… Continue Reading →

What Eats Squirrels, Where Squirrels Sleep, and More!

Poor squirrels, a cute innocent creature to us, but a yummy snack for others. “What eats squirrels” is a common question asked because in all honesty, who would want to eat such an innocent creature? Well, a lot of different… Continue Reading →

The Grass Eaters: A Look at What Small Animals Feed on the Greenery Around Us

The list of animals that eat grass is extensive, from large herbivores such as elephants, bison, and horses, to smaller grazers such as rabbits and deer. Grass is also an important food source for many types of livestock, including cows,… Continue Reading →

The Masked Bandits: A Guide to What Eats Raccoons, What They Eat, Where They Sleep, and What Attracts Them

What Eats Raccoons While raccoons are known for being scavengers, they are not invincible. Several predators will hunt raccoons for food. Coyotes, bobcats, and domestic dogs are some of the natural predators of raccoons. Additionally, owls and hawks are known… Continue Reading →

Toad-ally Interesting: A Look at What Toads Eat

What Do Toads Eat? Toads are carnivorous creatures that feed on a variety of insects, spiders, worms, and other small invertebrates. They use their long, sticky tongues to catch their prey, which they swallow whole. Some species of toads are… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Guide to What Turtles Eat: From Pet Turtles to Sea Turtles and Their Predators

What do Turtles Eat? The answer to this question depends on the species of turtle. Generally, turtles are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. However, some species are primarily herbivores, while others are carnivores. Sea turtles, for… Continue Reading →

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