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Tag Food Web

In this tag you can simply find articles that pertain to the natural way of life and get specific details about certain aspects of the food web. This tag is a huge part of our wild-life category and we hope you can enjoy the information you find!

What Salamanders Eat as Pets and in the Wild

The amphibian that can regrow their lost limbs. They’re quite remarkable and it makes you wonder what do salamanders eat? What does this outstanding reptile include into their diet? What makes them differ from the Iguana or Bearded Dragon? Well… Continue Reading →

Bees and Wasps – Their Predators, Prey, and Relationship

I’ve only gotten one bee sting in my life (thank god it was not a wasp sting) and hopefully it’s the last sting I receive. Stings make you resent the bees, wasps, and their stingers. Luckily for us, the bees… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Guide to Caterpillar Diets: What Do Caterpillars Eat and Who Eats Them?

What Do Caterpillars Eat? Caterpillars are herbivorous and consume a variety of plant material. They feed on the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits of plants. Some caterpillars are generalists, feeding on a wide range of plant species, while others are… Continue Reading →

Birds – What They Eat and Shouldn’t Eat

Birds are known to eat many insects and small animals; however, they’re also known to sometimes eat themselves. A few of the biggest birds (such as owls, eagles, and hawks) usually have very-little, to no, natural predators and prey on… Continue Reading →

The Mysterious World of Owls: What They Eat and Where They Live

What Do Owls Eat? Owls are carnivorous birds that hunt for their prey at night. Their diet varies depending on their species and habitat. Some owls feed primarily on rodents, while others feed on birds, reptiles, or even fish. Here… Continue Reading →

The Predators and Prey of the Wild: Uncovering the Diet of Wolves

What Do Wolves Eat? Wolves are carnivores and are at the top of the food chain in most areas they inhabit. Their diet consists mainly of large ungulates, such as deer, elk, and moose. However, they also consume smaller prey… Continue Reading →

The Fascinating World of Foxes: What They Eat, Where They Live, and Who Hunts Them

What Eats a Fox? While foxes are predators themselves, they are also preyed upon by a variety of other animals. One of the biggest predators of foxes is the coyote, which is a larger carnivore that often preys on smaller… Continue Reading →

A Summary of What Eats Rabbits and What Rabbits Eat

Similar to the squirrel, the rabbit has many predators. What eats rabbits are almost the same as many vultures previously mentioned in other articles. From flying to hissing and predators of 2 or more legs are everything rabbits should watch… Continue Reading →

Algae 101: What Eats Algae, What Algae Eats, and How to Prevent Algae in Your Pool

What Eats Algae? Algae is a common food source for many aquatic animals, from tiny microscopic organisms to larger fish and mammals. Here are some examples of animals that eat algae: What Does Algae Eat? Algae is a plant-like organism… Continue Reading →

The Predators and Prey of Different Crabs

Crabs. They’re yummy aren’t they? I personally never object to eating crab at a restaurant or a buffet. Dipping the meat into melted butter, quite the luxurious meal if you ask me. As a matter of fact, one of the… Continue Reading →

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