The Top Dog Ball Launchers of 2018

Though a pet, a dog will need attention just as a child would. Some dogs are filled with energy and they need to play and get their exercise for the sake of their physical and mental health. When looking for a dog ball launcher keep in mind there are two different types; an automatic one, and a semi-automatic one. They both will require some effort (setting up the launcher and training your dog to put the balls back inside) however one may suit your needs more than the other.

Top 5 Ball Launchers for Dogs

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iFetch Small Interactive Ball Thrower

Including three, 1.5 inch tennis balls, this automatic ball thrower is great for small dogs! Not all dogs can play with bigger tennis balls and this allows them to share the same experience other dogs have. With a small iFetch thrower you may either plug it into a wall or use batteries (allowing you to take it wherever you go). One can easily strengthen the bond between them and their dog with this!

iFetch Large Interactive Ball Thrower

As opposed to the smaller version, the large iFetch thrower will be more suitable for larger dogs. Instead of coming with 1.5 inch tennis balls they are now full sized. Aside from that, there isn’t much of a difference between the two ball catapults.

PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher

PetSafe certainly provided a different look to their product compared to iFetch’s style. This specific launcher comes with more settings and can catapult the tennis ball between 8-30 ft. It includes a motion sensor on the front to prevent balls being thrown when a pet, or human, is in front of it. Train your dog to use this toy and they’ll become addicted and more healthy!

BazooK-9 Tennis Ball Thrower

A BazzoK-9 will need you to put in more effort than the others. Simply plugging it in won’t cut it with this. With the gun-themed ball launcher,you will need to manually keep shooting. It’s the most inexpensive option provided and isn’t as heavy as one would expect. This is the perfect option if you’re on a budget and want your dog to stay healthy and active!

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